Our Family
Our Family

Join Our Team

Life is a journey, and work is a big part of it. Are you looking for a place where the culture focuses on family? Then consider us. We’re one of the few family-owned and operated facilities in the state of Ohio. Not only do we treat our residents like family, but we do the same for our valued staff members.

Our residents deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. So, if you’re a person with empathy and a warm personality, we may be the right place for you. Consider joining our family!

Career Benefits

Career Benefits

What kind of work environment are you seeking? The culture of an organization is important, and we believe our family atmosphere is a key benefit. Staff members enjoy interacting with elderly residents who love to share their stories and the history they’ve seen. In the process, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the health and well-being of these residents. In addition, we offer many more benefits here.

Our Current Opportunities

We have positions open in nursing administration as well as direct care staff positions.
Our Current Opportunities
Staff Testimonials

Staff Testimonials

What better way to check out an employer than to hear from people who work there. Check out these short videos from several of our staff members.

Join Our Family

Life is a journey, and work is a big part of it. Are you looking for a place where the culture focuses on family? Then consider us. We’re one of the few family-owned and operated facilities in the state of Ohio. Not only do we treat our residents like family, but we do the same for our valued staus members.

Our residents deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. So if you’re a person with empathy and a warm personality, we may be the right place for you. Consider joining our family!